
I'm older than I've ever been

So, today is my birthday. I don't say that to get a down pouring of birthday wishes. I just say it to vent. I'm never really been big on birthdays but I've never really been anti-birthday either. This year has been different though. I turned 27 today. Not really a milestone year yet I haven't been in the mood for celebrating at all. All I've really wanted to do today is stay in my pj's covered up in bed. You see, I'm older than I've ever been in my whole life. I saw a recent picture of me just the other day and I couldn't believe how much older I look than I used to. I know it's natural but I guess I'm going through an early mid-life crisis. Maybe you could call it a 1/3 life crisis...

It seems like I have a ton of decisions to make and the harder I try to make a decision the more indecisive I become. I guess I've been in a funk lately because I haven't really felt good. I'm just sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. Sooooooo, I have to decide if I want to continue to feel bad and continue to be all mopey, or if I'm going to do everything that I can possibly do to help myself feel better. Maybe I should find a new GI doctor, maybe I should see a wellness doctor, maybe I should put myself on a freakin' diet! (No, not to lose weight-to become healthier and feel better). Decisions, Decisions. Where does one start?

I guess this year is no different than the rest, really. Tackle one problem at a time, face one fear at a time, pray one prayer at a time, put one foot in front of the other...everything will work out. I imagine growing old comes as a shock to everyone at some point. I guess my point just came a littler earlier than most.

So, starting today and for another 364 days I'll be 27. Imagine the havoc when I turn 28....When told by a waitor in a restuarant today that he just turned 21 I replied...
"That was a good age..."


Feral Housewife X said...

well, happy late birthday! sorry i missed it!

i think that it is only natural to have these kind of feelings about getting older... thirty was a tough one for me... i think thats because... i absolutely wasnt a "kid" anymore!

but i think that forty (my next birthday) wont be a problem... i finally made peace with it... fifty could be an issue though! i will just have to wait and see!

of course when i feel bad about my age, i just pick on sugar daddy about his age... he is 12 years older than me! lol

certainly i hope you get to feeling better... not feeling well definitely affects how you perceive everything.

best wishes!

Unknown said...

Happy belated. Hope you are feeling better days.

Ditto everything FD posted.

My next b-day is in a few weeks and my last year as 30-something. I've never had an issue myself with getting older but not sure how the next decade will welcome me.

Again, hope you are feeling better. Remember, age is just a number. You are only as old as you want to be so that makes me 27 again. :-)