
What does your birth month reveal about you?

What Does Your Birth Month Reveal About You?
Has lots of extraordinary ideas. Difficult to fathom. Think forward. Unique. Brilliant. Sharp thinking. Fine, strong clairvoyance. make good doctors. Dynamic. Secretive. Inquisitive. Know how to dig secrets. Always thinking. Less talkative. amiable. Brave. generous. Patient. Stubborn. hardhearted. Determined. Never quit. Hardly become angry unless provoked. Love to be alone. Think differently. Sharp-minded. Motivate self. Doesn't appreciate praises. High-spirited. Well-built, tough. Deep love, emotions. Romantic. Uncertain in relationships. Homely. Hardworking. High abilities. Trustworthy. Honest. Keepsecrets. Cant control emotions. Unpredictable.

Take the quiz!

I have to say this is pretty accurate for me.


I'm older than I've ever been

So, today is my birthday. I don't say that to get a down pouring of birthday wishes. I just say it to vent. I'm never really been big on birthdays but I've never really been anti-birthday either. This year has been different though. I turned 27 today. Not really a milestone year yet I haven't been in the mood for celebrating at all. All I've really wanted to do today is stay in my pj's covered up in bed. You see, I'm older than I've ever been in my whole life. I saw a recent picture of me just the other day and I couldn't believe how much older I look than I used to. I know it's natural but I guess I'm going through an early mid-life crisis. Maybe you could call it a 1/3 life crisis...

It seems like I have a ton of decisions to make and the harder I try to make a decision the more indecisive I become. I guess I've been in a funk lately because I haven't really felt good. I'm just sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. Sooooooo, I have to decide if I want to continue to feel bad and continue to be all mopey, or if I'm going to do everything that I can possibly do to help myself feel better. Maybe I should find a new GI doctor, maybe I should see a wellness doctor, maybe I should put myself on a freakin' diet! (No, not to lose weight-to become healthier and feel better). Decisions, Decisions. Where does one start?

I guess this year is no different than the rest, really. Tackle one problem at a time, face one fear at a time, pray one prayer at a time, put one foot in front of the other...everything will work out. I imagine growing old comes as a shock to everyone at some point. I guess my point just came a littler earlier than most.

So, starting today and for another 364 days I'll be 27. Imagine the havoc when I turn 28....When told by a waitor in a restuarant today that he just turned 21 I replied...
"That was a good age..."


Another Day, Another....

Another day, another doctors visit. Another doctors visit, another fried sweet potato pie from Bojangles! Woot Woot! Okay, NO, it's not worth it but you've got to make the best out of a bad situation, right?
I also treated myself to a visit to the NeedleTree. The NeedleTree is a local speciality yarn store in my area. I say 'speciality' because it's not like a chain store or anything. And because in my case it almost takes a 'special' occasion to be able to purchase any of their yarn. I touched a lot of yarn, fell in love with even more, but left with nothing. The yarn I wanted was over $20.00 a skein. I'm talking $20.00 for like 116 yards. It was Dazzle by Prism in Copper Penny. That's my new dream yarn. It would make a perfect little dainty scarf! Ahhhhhhh, oh well. It's a scarf that would cost $40.00+. I just couldn't do it. I have a birthday coming up this week. I mentioned the yarn to my husband-he nearly stroked on the floor. I guess I can't expect him to understand. He'd have me buying Red Heart Super Saver all the time!

One doctors visit down....hopefully, no more for awhile....at least until my other appointment on the 25th.

Ain't life grand....
(at least I'll get another sweet potato pie...and if I save my money maybe a new shiny, sparkly, dazzle skein of yarn)


Self Discovery

So, I finally realized something about myself the other day. It's strange, really, how we're always learning new things about ourselves. It's odd that it has taken me so long to realize this...

I'm an emotional eater and an emotional shopper!

How can it be? It seems that I've always sort of turned my nose up when I hear someone say that they are an emotional eater. Not because I think I'm better than they are because I'm not and I don't. It's just a strange thing...to be an emotional eater. I've always wondered how anyone felt like eating when they're all depressed or upset. Obviously, I've been doing it all along and never really realizing it.

I had started to recognize a trend lately - that when I didn't feel good or was upset that I always reached for a candy bar or something...or wanted to go shopping because I deserved something nice because "I don't feel good". But it was all confirmed yesterday and then again today.

I haven't felt especially good this week. It's not really unusual for me to feel bad but I just felt really bad yesterday. On my way home from work yesterday I decided to stop into Hobby Lobby because I needed a 10" embroidery hoop. I didn't really feel like it, but I figured it would be a quick trip and it was best to just get it over with. I looked all over for a plastic 10" but couldn't seem to find one so I settled for a wooden one. I had a 40% off coupon I was going to use towards my purchase but when I realized that the hoop was only a $1.29 I felt pretty ridiculous using the coupon so I decided to shop the aisles for something "I just had to have" to use my coupon on. Silly me, who wants to waste a 40% of coupon on a $1.29 hoop...(Like it was the last 40% off coupon in the whole world). So, I looked around until I found a book I really wanted "The Color Book of Felted Crochet". I walked around the store with the book in my hand for about 30 minutes trying to decide if it was really worth it. I already have a list a mile long of projects that I hope to get to soon and then to add all these super cool felted patterns!!! Come on...I eventually decided to get it because 'I didn't feel good' and this book, this very book I held in my hand, was going to have the answers to all of my physical aliments.....right! But I bought it anyway. It was a good buy and I couldn't pass it up. Originally, it was $19.99 but I ended up getting the book and my hoop for about $14.00. I guess in a way it did help me feel better at least for a little while. It got my mind off things.
Then this morning I had a doctors appointment. I've never been to this doctor before, nor have I had this particular procedure done so I was stressing out just a bit. Immediately following my doctors appointment and against my very best judgement I stopped by Bojangles and got one of their fried sweet potato pies. OH- MY- GOODNESS!! Those things are ridiculously good. I did stop myself after about 3 bites because I wanted to share the rest with hubby. He's never had one before. If I would have stopped there I would have done really good, but as you guessed...I didn't stop there. I then drove to Starbucks. I pretended for awhile to be interested in their herbal teas, but all along knew that one of their signature hot chocolates would win out. I bought a Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate. OH- MY- GOODNESS!!! I swear those things are so good it'll make you smack your momma. Anyway, I drank it all...hubby's tried it before and this one was all mine.
Anyway, I felt like crap all day after starting out my morning with so much fat, caffeine, grease, and chocolate, but at least for that moment in time...I was comforted.


Not Forgotten....

Hi All!
I just wanted to let everyone know that I haven't forgotten about you. My computer has been deathly ill for the past month or so...In and out of the Computer ER...ie, repair shop. So, I've been out of commission. My computer finally come home with me this past weekend but unfortunately we had to do a complete purge of all our files and programs so we're still loading everything on it...all over again. I guess I'm most concerned with my pictures and iTunes. I can't even tell you how bad it would suck to lose all the stinkin' mp3's, games, and videos that I've bought on iTunes. NO! I'm an idiot I don't back them up on CD. I will from now on though...that's for sure. So, that's where I'm at right now.
I've got several projects I'd like to post pictures of, on here and Ravelry. I've finished an amigurumi goldfish, an amigurumi gnome couple, another amigurumi gnome, a shawl, and a couple of finger puppets. It seems like there was something else but I can't remember. That's no surprise though. How on earth did I ever keep up with all my FO's before Ravelry? Life before Ravelry???? I hardly remember...
SO, today is election day. I'm glad it's finally here. I'll be even more glad when it's over (if my candidate wins). I'm tired of all the political talk. I'm not against politics. In fact I try to keep up. After all, it effects me - so I should be interested. It's just such a huge election this year and it seems that so many people are taking it soooooo personally. I dare not ask someone who they're voting for. It's almost more touchy than religion these days. I tried to vote this morning when the polls opened but the line was entirely too long. It would have taken me all day to get through. So, unfortunately for me, I won't be getting a FREE Starbucks coffee, nor will be be getting a FREE scoop of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, nor will I be getting a FREE donut from Krispy Kreme. Sure sucks to be me!! I'll go by this evening when I get off work to vote...but no freebies for me as it'll be too late.
Hopefully soon I'll be able to flood my blog with lots of pics and post of finished projects. Pray for my computer to have a speedy recovery. I'm almost going into withdrawal myself....