

So, I had the surgery Tuesday morning. And IT SUCKED!! I was scheduled to be there at 6:00 a.m. and my surgery was scheduled for 8:00 a.m. I woke up at 2:00 a.m. in horrible pain and couldn't go back to sleep. I took a Lortab around 3:00 and eventually it kicked in and I dozed off to sleep around 4:00 sitting Indian style in my bedroom. I didn't have a clue what to expect from the surgery. No one had told me anything. I got wheeled back to the operating room where they hooked up my IV. Then I woke up in recovery with a terribly sore throat, shaking uncontrollably, and sore as a mother-duck. NO FUN!!! Anyway, after close to an hour in recovery I got to go home. The rest of the evening was much of the same...pain pills and water, pain and discomfort. They put a stint in to keep my passage way from swelling shut and to help the fragments from the kidney stone to pass. I went today to have the stint removed. THANK YOU GOD!! That stint was no fun either. The doctor said that the stone wasn't necessarily all that big but that it had 'hooks' all over it and that it had hooked on to my tubing or whatever and wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. The rest of the stones in my kidneys he said were very small and I should pass those with little to no discomfort. I sure hope so. I don't want to have to go through this again!
So, anyway, that's that. Hopefully all that drama is over with. Looks like I'll be back at work on Monday. Now, what to do until then...
...I think I'll take a nap.

1 comment:

Feral Housewife X said...

oh, crikey! that sounds absolutely horrible... i surely hope you are feeling better by now!