
It's been awhile

So...it's been awhile since my last post and while I don't really have any news or any updates I thought I would post anyway.

This past week we've had super beautiful weather. I'm talking it ranged from mid 70's to low 80's, sunny, kinda beautifull weather. It's ridiculous because just a couple of weeks ago we had 6 inches or more of snow. Anyway, the spring bug definitely bit me! I'm talking windows down, sunroof open, crazy dance mix playing on my iPod kinda spring bug bite! All I've wanted to do for days now is drive...Just jump in my car and hit the road with my iPod and my windows down and DRIVE until I run outta gas. Now, today, here it is in the 40's and windy, and soon to be rainy. It's so flippin' depressing. I know Spring is on the way but don't give me a taste and then take it away! I was starting to get excited about running outside this weekend. Heck, I would have been excited to do anything outside this weekend if the weather was as nice as it has been. It looks to me like I'll be cleaning house instead. God works in mysterious ways. He knew my house desperately needed cleaning!

I'm making good progress on my "Football Fever" afghan. I'd say I'm around 25% done. I mean, I know I still have a long way, but it's amazing how motivating a little bit of progress can be. I don't really have anything projects going right this moment either so I can fully focus on the afghan. However, I have started attempting a gauge swatch for the alpaca sweater I was talking about. Things have not gone well with this at all. I was hoping to make the Northern Dreams sweater that was published in the Fall 2008 Interweave Crochet magazine. If this swatch doesn't turn out right then I think I'll probably use the yarn for something else. It's a shame but I only have so much patience with things. Crochet for me is all about enjoyment and relaxation. Other areas of my life give me stress and frustration-I don't need that from a hobby. I've found a cute little vest that this alpaca yarn will be perfect for. So, we'll see how the swatch goes...again...for like the 4th time...

Also, I'm finally in a Traveling Scarf group that's getting started this week. I joined the Traveling Scarves Group on Ravelry about 7 months ago but no groups have been open for me to join. Finally a couple of weeks ago one opened up and I joined so I'm excited. How it works is: There are 10 people in a group. Each person makes a 'started scarf' (6-7 inches of a stitch pattern) and sends it to the next person in line and they add another 6-7 inches on to it. Then, they send it to the next person...so on and so forth. Each person write in a journal that travels with the scarf where they're from and the yarn they used and such. Here's a picture of my starter. My scarf is going to have a flower theme...DUH!

I thought I'd update you on my running as well. I'm on Week 5 of a 9 week program designed to get you ready to run a 5K race. I'm using the First Day to 5K program with Podrunner Intervals on iTunes. It's awesome. I love it. Anyway, this weeks workout consisted of a 5 minute warm up walk, a 3 minute walk, a 3 minute run, another 3 minute walk, and then finally another 5 minute run, with about a 3 minute cool down walk. I was surprised at how well I did last night!! I actually went through the entire program, but I did have to stop in the middle of my last 5 minute run to tie my shoes and get some water...BUT ANYWAY, I did good and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I got caught up on Week 4 for awhile. I didn't run a couple of days because I didn't feel well and then a couple of days I sort of did my own thing. I'm back at it though and it's going well. YEA!!! So, 3.1 miles is my goal! I'm trying to decide what kind of 'prize' I'm going to allow myself when I reach that! I might buy some running shoes...considering I'm running in K Swiss' right now. Yikes. That's probably a sin! Or I may get running shoes now and YAAAAARRRNNN when I reach 5K :-) I guess we'll see.

I'll end on #115 from the Friday Fill-Ins Blog:

And...here we go!

1. When I look to the left, I see___an Ireland calendar__.

2. _My guest bedroom____ is the room that has the best view in my home.

3. Let it work __out___.

4. __Gas___ done dirt cheap!

5. __Consideration___ is a responsibility that all qualified citizens must share.

6. If you have any __spare money or yarn__feel free __to give it to me___.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _crocheting____, tomorrow my plans include __cleaning house, running, and crocheting___ and Sunday, I want to __relax and go to church...oh and crochet___!